Frontend JavaScript testing has always been painfull, that's why most people
avoid it, although there writing tests for their backend code.
There are some pretty nice js-testing tools out there today but in most of
them, you need to reload the browser every time you change code or tests. If
you want to test on multiple browsers this can be awkward.
Test'em tries to solve this flaw.
It's pretty much a meta testrunner. It enables you to run browser tests
automatically from the commandline.
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For a long time, I want to be able to share some thoughts about life in a
blog every now and than. I made serveral attempts to do so. I tried
tumblr but it wasn't as flexible as I need it. I tried
octopress, but i'm not as
familiar with ruby as I probably should be. Never tried wordpress, since it
is to much overhead and written in bad ol' php, which I want to avoid for
reasons. Also I want to write my posts using a simple markup language like
markdown or
restuctured text,
first for versioning in git, second for using my beloved vim for editing.
Since I use node.js a while now, i searched for
ports of octopress in node and found
wintersmith, what i'm using now.
It has great flexibility, is super simple to use and to extend. It works good
on github pages, what i use as hosting.
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